Join CED
When getting involved with CED, you will either fit into the Diplomat category or the Volunteer category. Both diplomats and volunteers are active participants in CED programs and cultural exchanges, and seek to be involved in Washington’s diplomatic community. Volunteer members serve with the intention of meeting the needs of the diplomatic community and so they additionally participate in behind-the-scenes work to make all of our events as enjoyable as possible for our diplomatic members.
Diplomat Eligibility
Cultural Exchange for Diplomats is a nonprofit independent organization serving the embassy personnel posted to Washington, DC with diplomatic status listed in the Department of State’s Diplomatic List, as well as diplomats at the Organization of American States, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund.
CED primarily serves diplomats and families on A-1 and A-2 visas. An A-1 visa is issued to diplomatic personnel such as ambassadors, public ministers, career diplomatic officers or consular officers, and members of their immediate families. An A-2 visa is issued to other accredited officials and employees of foreign governments and their immediate families.
CED also serves G-1, G-2, G-4 and NATO-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 visa holders.
G-1, G-2, and G-4 Visas
Accredited representatives of recognized foreign governments entering the US to work for the United Nations or an International Organization, such as the IMF (International Monetary Fund), World Bank, OAS (Organization of American States), the Inter-American Development Bank, the European Union, the African Union, or other such organizations.
Staff of principal representatives of recognized foreign governments
Immediate family members of G-2 visa holders
NATO-1-6 Visas
A person and his/her immediate family members traveling to the US under the applicable provision of the Agreement on the Status of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization or the Protocol on the Status of International Military Headquarters Set Up Pursuant to the North Atlantic Treaty.
Even if a spouse or family member of a CED recognized diplomat is a US citizen, we will still consider them part of the diplomatic community and treat them as such.
Volunteer Eligibility
Qualifications for volunteers include having an interest in communicating and interacting with representatives of different countries. Proficiency in social media, finance, fundraising, art, entertaining, languages, and organizing events are great assets, but an inquiring mind, a willing hand, and an open heart are essential.
Volunteers represent a wide variety of personal and professional backgrounds. Most have lived or traveled abroad, and some are native to other countries. Many are multilingual. All seek and enjoy opportunities to interact with members of the diplomatic community. Volunteer roles range from chairing event committees to co-hosting cultural exchanges to driving diplomats to events. Volunteers are expected to volunteer 5 hours in-person a month in the Washington Metropolitan area – Maryland, Virginia or Washington DC.
All applicants must be US citizens or have lived in the US for three years and have permission to reside in the US.
There are three ways for an applicant to become an active volunteer:
• An applicant is referred by a current volunteer or a diplomat member and applies for membership on our website. The volunteer referring the candidate will be expected to submit a written letter of reference to the Director of Volunteers concerning the suitability of that person for volunteer membership. In addition, the candidate will also need to email a second letter of reference to the Director of Volunteers. A template for the reference letter is provided on the online form.
• An applicant applies for membership on our website and emails two letters of reference about prior work and/or volunteer experiences to the Director of Volunteers at director_volunteers@culturalexchangefordiplomats.org. A template for the reference letter is provided on the online form.
• Diplomat members who no longer have diplomatic status and reside in the United States can join CED as volunteers. Former diplomatic members must meet all other volunteer requirements by submitting an online application and emailing two letters of reference to the Director of Volunteers at director_volunteers@culturalexchangefordiplomats.org. A template for the reference letter is provided on the online form.
All volunteers pay annual dues of $140. We are determined to protect your privacy; we will not share your personal information with outside individuals or organizations.
Once an individual has completed the application on our website, the following steps will be taken: in order for the applicant to become an active volunteer:
1. The office will confirm receipt of the application via email to the applicant and will forward the application to the Director of Volunteers.
2. The Director of Volunteers will invite the applicant to an interview and may contact the people who submitted the written references. Note: Former volunteers whose memberships have lapsed for a minimum of one year will be required to reapply for membership as a new member.
3. Following the interview, the Director of Volunteers will inform the applicant if he/she has been accepted as a member, and instruct the applicant how to pay the dues. The Director of Volunteers will notify the office that the applicant has been accepted.
4. The office will notify the Director of Volunteers once the new volunteer has paid his/her membership dues and will notify the chairs of the geographical cultural exchange where the new volunteer resides.
5. Once the new volunteer has paid membership dues, the Director of Volunteers tells the new volunteer how to access the internal website and member portal where he/she can create an account and upload a photo. The new member will be given the opportunity to participate in two or more committees.